Sunday, September 25, 2011

A few weeks of photos

Our regular computer has been down for about a month.  We have been able to continue posting, but have not been able to upload our photos.  Tonight, I worked out a way to get at our photos and I have gone back and added some photos to some of the earlier posts made during September.  Check them out!

Also, you can watch the birth of Opal's kids here:
Video link (if this doesn't work, go to Juliana's Facebook)

In addition, here are some shots from the past few weeks that may or may not relate to a specific post:


Opal and her newborns (and Magic and Sophia), Sophia's dollhouse doghouse, Grace's harvest

One of Opal's babies in cape, S and G on their way to the Taylor Swift concert 9/3/11 [removed]

You may be wondering where Eli is... we will track him down and put him in front of the camera soon.

