Sled dog in training
Catching salmon in the style of the bear.
Salmon Run
Eli and beluga spit pranks
BBQ cricket
Summer's officially done.
Eli started San Rafael High School, and the girls, Davidson Middle today.
They all seem ready. I miss them a little. It's felt okay being busier, getting everyone prepared this week. But I've been reminiscing about the past months--
We had adventures these last few months.
Our Swedish family came to town for Felicia's Redwood graduation.
Eli went to camp, and me too, for a couple weeks, as a camp nurse.
We spent a month in Auburn. Our goat girl Una was born. We went often to the river to cool off.
We revamped our garden there and hauled lots of manure.
I started a beginning rancher course, and organic farming course, a permaculture design course.
We took a gorgeous cruise down the coast of Alaska with family and friends.
Thank you Mama and Papa for that.
We had some health scares in our family. I think everything will be okay though.
I haven't worked much at Kaiser. That will have to change.
The girls and I made a deal that if things get to feeling stressful, we will walk our loop together.
It's a good start.